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Supporting Clients with Long - Term Conditions

Updated: Nov 27, 2022

It's reported that 60% of the UK has a long-term condition and referring a PAR-Q is becoming more common. Making it harder for someone living with a chronic illness to participate in a group class setting, in a safe and effective manner.

Pilates & Mobility training with Sandra

As an exercise specialist and referral practitioner, Sandra is trained and qualified in Supporting Clients with Long-Term Conditions.

Medical & Informed Consent Form

All clients that attend training with Sandra need to fill out medical screening and Informed Consent forms.

*Information provided by you is strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone unless you have given a written consent to do so. (A referral to a medical professional for an example)

Once a PAR – Q has been filled, Sandra will provide with a PAR – Q + form, which is specifically for people that refer the first medical screening. Further questions will be asked to provide a more detailed picture and assessment. In some cases, medical clearance from your doctor might be necessary to partake in training and a form will be provided.

Otherwise, guidance and advice will be given, and a report will be built between you and Sandra to support your journey to build a stronger, healthier, and happier body.

These leaflets are guidance and information specifically for Sandra Franco’s Pilates & Mobility training/classes and not meant as an overall lifestyle advice. These are provided in step 5 in the sign - up process together with a plan - how to exercise safely and effectively in session.

Please note that each individual case and body will be different. Advice you have received from your doctor overrides advice given by Sandra, and the Public Health England. (Information in these sheets are taken from Public Health England and applied to Sandra’s training program)

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